Supporting Minus18

Hey Friend, we have somebody very special to introduce you to!

You might already know them, actually. They are leading change, building social inclusion and advocating for an Australia where all young people are safe, empowered and surrounded by people that support them. We think that’s a little bit amazing. 

We’re talking about Minus18!

While we were dreaming up our new oat milk ice cream – an ice cream everyone can enjoy! – we thought a lot about inclusivity and how important it is to us.   

So we’ve committed to donate 10% of our profits to Minus18 to keep raising awareness and fund events that help drive change and create a safe space for LGBTIQA+ young people. 

Thanks for being here with us as we work towards a world that is welcoming for everybody, we’re so grateful to share in this journey with Minus18 and you!

PS. How great is the feeling when the warmth of the sun hits your face? Have you been outside today?


Hello World It’s Us, Hug Tub!